Local Music
Information on local music events that may be of interest to our members or supporters. If you would like to add an event to this page then please let us know. We cover events in West Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Reading and Oxford.
We have found a number of useful on-line sites for both advertising Pangbourne Choral Society and finding interesting music concerts etc.
For local activities Whats On Reading is very helpful – this is our entry
Newbury and District Arts Association
This is another source for local concerts (mostly choirs) – but check with the choir that the event is still on
For classical concerts and opera performance throughout the UK Classical Events is very useful – we add our concerts when appropriate
Gerontius specialises in choral music throughout the UK – this is our entry.
Making Music is a membership organisation for leisure-time music, with over 3,700 groups representing around 200,000 music makers across the UK, It includes a comprehensive database of these groups – our entry .