Membership for our 24/25 season is still open

'Come along and join the feelgood choir'

We welcome keen singers of all ages and voice parts – no auditions are required, although enthusiasm and commitment are expected!

Our new year will start on 3rd September and we will have three concerts:

  • Christmas on 21st December
  • Easter music from 17th to 21st centuries in March
  • Anniversary of the end of World War II in June. 

Please see our next performance webpage for more details .

We are now open for registration for current, former and new members. There is a choice between a full year subscription or  two terms (including the Christmas and Easter concerts).

You can download our membership form or contact us for more details. 

We meet during school time for three terms from September through to June. Rehearsals are held from 7.45pm to 9.30pm on Tuesday evenings usually at the Falkland Islands Memorial Chapel, Pangbourne College.

Choice of membership

We offer members three choices for length of membership per year:

  1. a complete season of three terms from September through to June
  2. the first two terms (Autumn and Spring) which include the Christmas Concert on behalf of charities in December and our major Spring concert in March
  3. one term only (Summer) for those who prefer a lighter programme.

New members have the opportunity to attend two rehearsals before committing.

Solo opportunities

In addition to singing within the choir from time to time we offer opportunities for members to sing solo parts or in semi-choruses. For example, during our regular Christmas Carol Concert or in performances like Dido and Aeneas in 2015.

Performance location

Although most performances are at the The Falkland Islands Memorial Chapel sometimes we perform elsewhere including Douai Abbey and Reading Concert Hall.

The music scores we use are purchased by members or hired. After concerts, if we have used hired scores, we have an evening rubbing out scores and chatting (with suitable refreshments).

Although we sing from scores, there is no requirement to be able to read music fluently. However, you will find that you will ‘learn by doing’.

Our membership

Half our members have been with us for more than ten years, but 30% joined in the last five years. Some take a break to do other things but quite often they return.

Our members come from across West Berkshire and Southern Oxfordshire including Woodcote, Earley, Thatcham, Chieveley, Cholsey and Caversham.

If you are interested please contact our membership secretary Jacky White or complete the form at the bottom right of this page. Completion of this form will add your name to our database so that you can receive regular emails and implies acceptance that we can hold your data under the terms of our privacy policy 

Alternatively you could pop along to any rehearsal (suggest you arrive at 7.30pm to sort out a little paperwork and arrange some introductions). It would be helpful if you could contact us beforehand.