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Next Performances

Christmas Concert – 21st December in The Falkland Islands Memorial Chapel 

In support of

Seasonal choral music and readings – with opportunities for audience participation.

Conducted by Sara Benbow 

Organist – to be appointed

Pianist: Liz Collins

Performance to include:

 Extracts from Handel’s Messiah:   And the Glory of the Lord & For Unto Us a Child is Born
I heard the bells on Christmas Day by Leanne Veitch
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell by Elizabeth Maconchy
Gabriel’s Message – a Basque traditional carol
Where riches is everlastingly by Bob Chilcott

Spring Concert – 29th March 

Easter Through the Ages (17th to 21st centuries)

The programme will include:

  • Extracts from Part II of Messiah by Handel
    • Behold the lamb of God
    • Surely, he hath borne our griefs
    • And with his stripes we are healed
    • All we like sheep have gone astray
    • He trusted in God
  • Crucifixus by Lotti
  • Olivet to Calvary by Maunder
  • Christus Vincit by James MacMillan
  • Crux Fidelis by Sarah Macdonald

Summer concert – 21st June 

Celebration of the Anniversary of the end of World War II

The programme will include:
  • The Armed Man by Karl Jenkins
  • Five days that changed the world by Bob Chilcott