Our Christmas Concert is on 21st December at 7.30pm. See Next Performances for details.

Material for Works

Christmas Concert

We will be doing the following in addition to various carols.

Spring Concert

We  have created links tor rehearsal aids below – please let us know if you find others.

If anyone has any comments or additions on these materials, please contact Maggie. 
 Rehearsal Aids 
ChoraLine : We have set up a 20% discount with ChoraLine for any members wishing to buy rehearsal material (CDs or downloaded to pc, phone etc). See ChoraLine discount for details and contact Maggie for any further information. Below we provide links for free materials on-line. 
Choralia: Sometimes there is a problem with on-line Choralia, in which case I suggest downloading. An alternative I found is to pay a small donation to use without ads. With Choralia it is possible to change the speed at which they run using the hare or tortoise. It gives three choices:
  •  to hear your voice alone (with a metronome when your voice is not singing);

  • to hear your voice emphasised with other voices (your voice part  can be emphasised by moving towards the big button using the gadget below the hare and tortoise)

  • to hear all voices at the same emphasis.

ChordPerfect: I have been introduced to Chord Perfect who provide training aids for some works, which are free if used on-line.